Atomic Mass Evaluation - AME 2020
The AME 2020 atomic mass evaluation has been published in Chinese Phys. C 45, 030002 (2021) and Chinese Phys. C 45, 030003 (2021).
There are five main ASCII files associated with AME 2020:
- mass_1.mas20 - atomic masses [mass excess, binding energy/A, beta-decay energy, atomic mass]
- massround.mas20 - atomic masses "rounded" version [mass excess, binding energy/A, beta-decay energy, atomic mass]
- rct1.mas20 - reaction energies, table 1 [S(2n), S(2p), Q(a), Q(2B-), Q(ep), Q(B-n)]
- rct2_1.mas20 - reaction energies, table 2 [S(1n), S(1p), Q(4B-), Q(d,a), Q(p,a), Q(n,a)]
- covariance.mas20 - variances and covariances of primary nuclides [note this file is a .zip file]
Any work that will use these files should make reference to the original papers listed above, and not to the electronic files.